Te Whāriki o te Ara Oranga (Whāriki) – the new network for leaders, innovators and influencers in mental health and addiction services – is now live via www.whariki-ao.nz
Whāriki is a network for leaders to build relationships, share ideas and exchange resources about what is working to transform services for tāngata whai ora, whānau and tāngata Māori. Its purpose is to bring people together to connect and share mātauranga (knowledge). A response to He Ara Oranga, Whāriki shines light on excellent practice to rapidly share learning across Aotearoa. If something is working well in Whangarei, Whāriki enables leaders in Invercargill to hear about it and access learning and advice on how to adapt for people using services in their areas.
Transformation is about finding new ways to work and sharing excellent practice to inspire and support others to lead change. Please take the opportunity to sign up and complete a profile. You do not need leader in your job title – if you are committed to on-the-ground change in mental health and addiction services; then Whāriki is for you! You can get involved and influence the network in several ways including:
Be part of a national conversation
Join the conversation about what is working for people using services by asking questions and contributing to the discussion. You can talk to contributors to find out how their work was conceived and implemented and what the results were.
Tell us about mahi happening in your communities
Let us know what is useful and promising in your mahi. There are currently three key theme areas which will develop over time with the network’s direction:
• Equity for Maori
• Expanding access and improving choice
• Covid 19
Do you know about other initiatives that are working well in these key areas? Recommend great practice to share.
Join live hui with contributors and communities of practice
We will host hui on some initiatives to understand how they work. Let us know what you would like to hear more about. We look forward to getting the conversation going so that people can come together to wānanga and create change.
Provide feedback
The network belongs to you, and will develop through sector direction, discussion and leadership. Participation will evolve the prototype into an energetic group spearheading change. We are at the start of this journey; with energy and creative collaboration, we can lead the world through sharing information about what works! We are excited to welcome members to Whāriki.
E kore e taea e te whenua kotahi
Ki te raranga i te whāriki
Kia mohio tātou ki a tātou
Ma te mahi tahi o ngā whenu, ma te mahi tahi o ngā kairaranga, ka oti tēnei whāriki
The tapestry of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone. Only by the working together of strands, and the working together of weavers, will such a tapestry be completed.
Whāriki is funded by the Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora with input from the Health Quality & Safety Commission of New Zealand Kupu Taurangi Hauora o Aotearoa. It is supported by a small team based out of Te Pou.
Published on: 10 March 2021