He pānui aituā! Our hearts are heavy with the passing of Professor Richie Poulton CNZM FRSNZ, a treasured friend, celebrated researcher and dedicated Wise Group trustee.
Richie brought a brilliant focus on using evidence, research and data to his governance work, alongside a lifelong dedication to caring for people.
He will be missed by many, and we are grateful that during the past months Wise Group trustees and colleagues have been able to visit and connect with him at his home in Dunedin. Most of all, Richie will be missed by his family, and our thoughts and hearts are with his wife Dr Sandhya Ramrakha and daughter Priyanka.
Thank you, Richie, for your tireless dedication and incredible contribution to the Wise Group, and the world we live in. You will be missed, and always remembered.
E te rangatira, e te hoa, Richie, e moe, okioki. Kua tutuki te wāhanga ki a koe. Waiho mai ō mahi nui, ō mahi huhua hei ōhākī mōu. Ko koe ia ka whakawhiti atu hei whetū tārake i te rangi tiaho mai ai ki runga ki a mātou kua mahue mokemoke mai nei ki muri. Haere, haere, haere atu rā.
Published on: 2 October 2023