The Wise Group supports the campaign calling for district health boards (DHBs) to take action to re-establish a fair funding system for community mental health and addiction organisations.
Led by Platform, a national network of non-government mental health and addiction organisations, Fair Funding is raising important funding issues on behalf of its members.
- Each year DHBs receive a Contribution to Cost Pressure (CCP) from the Government to help offset inflation and, more often than not, don’t pass this on to NGO services who are struggling to meet rising costs.
- DHBs often fund NGO services at a lower rate than they fund their own services.
- Prices DHBs pay for the same NGO services vary widely across the country.
- NGOs are regularly required to re-tender for their services, when DHBs services aren’t.
- NGOs are often audited multiple times a year by multiple government agencies to collect the exact same information which costs time, money and resource.
Platform is asking everyone in the mental health and addiction sector to get behind the campaign and show their support.
Published on: 2 July 2014