We are delighted to announce the Dalcam Healthcare Group (Dalcam Ltd) has sold its business to the Wise Trust Board.
From today (1 July 2024) the mental health and addiction services Dalcam operates in Feilding and Tauranga will be provided by Pathways Health Ltd (Pathways), part of the Wise Group. Specialist dementia service Westella, also based in Feilding, will become Westella Ltd. and operate as part of the Wise Group, under the Wise Trust Board. All Dalcam staff were offered employment contracts with the Wise Group, through Pathways or Westella Ltd
Whakawātea were held this morning in Feilding and Tauranga to officially welcome Dalcam kaimahi, tāngata whai ora and their whānau to the Wise Group. The group is excited to welcome the highly respected and experienced services and teams to our whānau, knowing they share our passion and determination to help people best reach their potential and enjoy their everyday lives.
A view to the future

Dalcam founder, Dale Hodson and Wise Group Board chair, Julie Nelson on the announcement of the Wise Trust Board acquistion of Dalmac Healthcare Group
The future-focused acquisition will build on the natural evolution of services across the Wise Group, while ensuring the 40-year legacy of Dalcam’s highly regarded services in Feilding and Tauranga will continue.
When Dalcam founder, Dale Hodson, decided to retire her wish was to find a respected provider with a strong values alignment to sell the business to and ensure the services continue to grow.
“The acquisition agreement with Wise Trust fits seamlessly with our services and values and focuses on ensuring they carry on,” says Dale.
Wise Trust Board chair, Julie Nelson, says the acquisition is an exciting opportunity for the Wise Group and Pathways.
“We’re deeply honoured that Dalcam approached us,” says Julie. “This is a future-focused acquisition for both organisations, combining our expertise and knowledge and streamlining services to deliver better outcomes in the community.”
Greater reach in the community
Dalcam mental health services at St Dominics in Feilding and the Madison Centre in Tauranga add two highly regarded and respected services to Pathways services in the Manawatū and Bay of Plenty regions, with the opportunity to reach and support more people through services that hold similar values and high standards.
Welcoming the skilled teams to Pathways and the Wise Group is an opportunity to learn from one another and further enhance the services available to people in the community.
Specialist dementia care services
The introduction of the highly respected specialist dementia service, Westella, is the first of its kind for the Wise Group.
The creation of Westella Ltd. recognises the specialist nature of dementia, and how the response differs from mental health and addiction work. The Wise Group is excited to learn from the service and staff at Westella, building on our expertise and finding out more about how the environment and approach in the service leads to better outcomes for kaumātua (older people).
Mental health and addiction services across the group are also increasingly catering to an aging group of people. This will be a growing part of the group’s work in the future that will benefit from the learnings and development of the Westella service.
Rodger McLeod, previous CEO of Dalcam Healthcare Group and now General Manager of Westella Ltd., says the move to the Wise Group is a great way to support the legacy of services built by Dalcam founder, Dale Hodson.
“The move to the Wise Group ensures the core belief of putting the people we support at the heart of everything we do continues, with the benefits, infrastructure and efficiencies that come from being part of a large charitable organisation.”
More information about the services
Click here for more information on the St Dominics, Madison Centre or Westella services.
Published on: 1 July 2024